Dhrupad and dance

Dhrupad is the most ancient form of classical Indian music still practiced in the world today.  Spirituality seeps through dhrupad and it touches the body and the soul with its calm strength and its clarity. I discovered this music in India in December 2017 where I had the chance to begin its vocal practice with the Gundecha brothers at Dhrupad Sansthan. It became obvious that I needed to put this form of music and my choreographic research on the Self and inner peace together.

I am looking for a quiet state of internal silence during which all my body is alive and my mind is at rest. It is a state of conscience, joy and deep happiness. I have to be present, honest and sincere in my movements, and share openheartedly with the audience. I let my body be modeled by dhrupad, and I go towards a human expression of the Self. It is not about the daily or quotidian Self, it is about the universal Self that is one with the others and with the universe.

For the first version of this project I am collaborating with the singer Jérôme Cormier, student of the illustrious late Ustad Sayeeduddin Dagar. We offer a meditation of sound and movement within which each person is invited to dive.

Concept : Lucile Belliveau
Choreography and dance : Lucile Belliveau
Music : Jérôme Cormier
Photo : Laurence Belliveau
Performance at l’Ogresse, June 10th, 2018.